08 December 2018

Battlefield Play4Free Arguments Injection [22 Mar 2013]

Abstract This paper describes a remote code execution vulnerability in Battlefield Play4Free. The vulnerability was first presented by the authors at Black Hat Europe 2013, as part of a talk covering several interesting aspects related to games security.


From Wikipedia: "Battlefield Play4Free (sometimes abbreviated BF: P4F) is a first-person shooter video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and Easy Studios and published by EA. Based on the Battlefield series, the game features a modern warfare battlefield setting. Play4Free is built on a modified version of Battlefield 2’s game engine with improvements such as high resolution artwork and post-processing effects. The game is also less demanding on computer specifications, similar to Battlefield Heroes.

Figure 1: Battlefield Play4Free

As the game’s title suggests, the game is available to players for free online, under Electronic Arts’ "Play4Free" model. Play4Free uses a similar micro-transaction store system similar to that in Battlefield Heroes."


Battlefield Play4Free is based on the Frostbite game engine and it shares the same architecture with Battlefield Heroes. The game architecture will be described first, in order to get a better understanding of the issues affecting the game.


An overview of the game architecture is shown in the following image:

Figure 2: Battlefield Play4Free architecture

The interaction among these three components is the following:

• The Browser Plugin exports the following method to the browsers, so any website can call these functions:
  • Start( bstrCmdLine, bstrDotnetfxUrl );

• When Start is called the Game Plugin executes the following code:
  • CreateProcessW("B*Updater.exe %bstrCmdLine% -host %website%");

• %website%, the website calling the Start function, is checked against a whitelist (See Appendix A for details) by the Game Updater component.
  • Only websites in the whitelist can use the Game component

• The Game Updater checks the game version and executes the Game by using
a command line, which may contain the following arguments:
  • dc, lang, sessionId, soldierName

Please note that the arguments are passed from the Game Plugin as is to the Game component. Most interestingly, the Battlefield Play4Free soldierName argument can be abused.


The Game Updater component performs a whitelist check for security reasons, to prevent games running from malicious (non withelisted) hosts. The following image gives an idea of how the command line is handled by the game:

Figure 3: The whitelist check in action

The vulnerability is exploitable only on Windows XP an 2003, due to the way the CreateProcessW API works for these versions. The CreateProcess function is defined as follows:

BOOL WINAPI CreateProcess (
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpApplicationName ,
_Inout_opt_ LPTSTR lpCommandLine ,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes ,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes ,
_In_ BOOL bInheritHandles ,
_In_ DWORD dwCreationFlags ,
_In_opt_ LPVOID lpEnvironment ,
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory ,
_In_ LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo ,
_Out_ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation

Consider function parameter LPTSTR lpCommandLine. The CreateProcessW (not CreateProcessA) function handles this parameter differently depending on the version of Windows in use on the system. Specifically, prior to Windows Vista, if lpCommandLine is longer than 32kb, CreateProcessW truncates lpCommandLine to 32kb, and executes the command. For Windows Vista and later versions, it terminates. The following image shows a tricky way to bypass the whiltelist check:

Figure 4: Bypass the whitelist check by padding out the real host


Battlefield Play4Free has been available since 2011, and it requires DirectX 9 in order to run. The game uses a low amount of system resources and it is used on Windows XP systems too. Issues affecting Windows XP are still valuable. As of March 2013, Windows XP has about 40% of the market share.


The game allows us to exploit the soldierName argument as the Game Updater supports the char " (double quote), while the Game component doesn’t. Because of that it is possible for an attacker to inject arbitrary sequences of "arguments". The following image shows the problem by detailing how each components handles a given command line string (bstrCmdLine):

Figure 5: Components handling bad arguments

It’s interesting to note that Battlefield Heroes is not affected by this issue, since its Game Updater component doesn’t support the double quotes for soldierName option. Please keep in mind that this vulnerability is limited to Windows XP, due to the way the Browser Plugin spawns the process using CreateProcessW.


To exploit the vulnerability, the +modPath option was used to specify a directory containing game mod data (sounds, map, etc..). Mod data is usually composed of ZIP files and CON files to configure the Frostbite game engine. Interestingly, the +modPath option can refer to arbitrary paths, which may include SMB/WebDAV locations. In general the +modPath option is used to load files, such as RankSettings.con. Consider the idea to craft a RankSettings.con file, to invoke the following commands on the game engine:
  • sound.addSound
  • ObjectTemplate.soundFilename
  • sound.listSoundsToFile
To make the attack more stealthy an attacker can add Game.crash to the sequence of commands above. This will cause the program to terminate just after executing all the commands.


This section describes the approach used to demonstrate the vulnerability. The
following sequence of commands were used:

• sound.addSound
  • specifies the name of the sound resource

• ObjectTemplate.soundFilename
  • used for commands, note:

  • the double quote char (") cannot be used and no escape char is available
  • the comma char (,) is used to delimit file names, for example, "hello, world" is split in 2 lines with the comma removed
  • each line will be converted to lowercase
  • each line must be unique, and duplicates are discarded
  • each line generated is followed by the string: ;0.000000;0.000000;0;0.000000;0;0;UNKNOWN
  • all backslashes will be converted to forward slashes
  • each line can be a maximum of 1024 bytes due to a sprintf_s
  • the usage of % is limited due to a format string bug

• sound.listSoundsToFile
  • stores the commands in a file


It’s important to keep in mind the following limitations:

• UNC paths are excluded because backslashes are converted to forward slashes

• ftp.exe
  • doesn’t support passive mode, and the non-passive mode will trigger the firewall

• vbs
  • soundFilename limitations make its usage very difficult, although a good option for a download&execute approach

• telnet -f
  • limited to text data

• rundll
  • comma not allowed

• webdav
  • available from XP to Windows 8 except for 2003 (disabled), as a manual or automatic service

• tftp.exe
  • available by default on Windows XP, it works on udp, and it’s not limited by the firewall


To demonstrate the vulnerability, tftp.exe was used. This is probably the best choice since only Windows XP and 2003 are affected by the vulnerability. The following describes how to bypass the limitations:
  • use && in the batch file to avoid handling the string ";0.000000;0.000000;0;0.000000;0;0;UNKNOWN":
  • use %% instead of % to avoid the format string vulnerability:
  • the %TEMP% folder was chosen because Windows XP uses 8.3 expansion, alternatively fixed paths could be used, such as: c:\windows\temp, etc.
The proof of concept video provides several additional details on how an attacker may exploit this issue.


A proof of concept video showing how to spawn a reverse shell is available on our Vimeo channel. The video shows all steps described in this paper.


The following are the whitelisted domains, for the host check performed by the game:
  • dice-mdraper1.dice.ad.ea.com
  • dice-jtarnstro1.dice.ad.ea.com
  • easy-bfh-dev-trunk
  • easy-bfh-test-trunk
  • easy-bfh-test-release
  • preprod.battlefield.play4free.com
  • battlefield.play4free.com
  • pte.battlefield.play4free.com
  • preprod.battlefield.play4free.com


The following FAQ provides additional information about the issue described in this paper.

• Is this issue exploitable only on Windows XP systems?
– Yes, XP and 2003.

• What are the affected versions of the components?
– Plugin component version, and Game component 1.52.245751.0

• I can’t reproduce the issue, why?
– Because EA, after our paper, fixed on 25 March 2013 the issue with a new release of the Plugin component, version


  • 25 March 2013: Version 1.1 released, FAQ section added.
  • 22 March 2013: Version 1.0 released.

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